Hope And Love Outreach
Jesus came to offer Hope and Love to a lost and hurting world. We, as Christians, seek to offer that same Hope and Love to the hurting world around us today. So many children and families in our area are in need both physically and spiritually.
Throughout the year, we work with at-risk and underprivileged youth in our community through our HALO sponsorship program (Hope and Love Outreach). Sponsorships are $30.00 per month and cover one year including I.A. Camp, the Back to School Bash, as well as the Comfort and Joy Christmas Party. Students can go to I.A. Camp (I’m Accepted), where they enjoy a week of worship and teaching sessions, discipleship, and fun. In the fall, we do a Back to School Bash, where we provide students with backpacks, school supplies, lunch, and a concert. To wrap up the year, we have the Comfort and Joy Christmas Party where we provide Christmas gifts for the sponsored students and their siblings as they and their families enjoy a performance of our Christmas production, a special meal, and meet Santa Claus. Our HALO program seeks to meet needs physically and spiritually through sponsorships. Please prayerfully consider investing in one of these children's lives and make an eternal difference. If you choose to sponsor a child today, please download the form below.